The Mind inspiring
Word Processor.
TTK is the Word Processor for aspiring Bloggers, Copywriters, Journalists, Novelists, Poets, Podcasters, serious Students :), Teachers, and Youtubers.
TEXT.TK is an online
drafting/writing tool
built on the structure of texts.
Master the Matrix of Narrative
TTK mirrors the fractal structure of human communication, compelling you to articulate your ideas in the proper written sequence, just as seasoned masters naturally do.
πŸ’› SPCB?
Use TTK to write audience and heart-centered sentences, paragraphs, chapters, and even books! Write what you want! TTK ensures your TEXT structure resonates deeply with the expectations of your readers.
3D Writing Interface
Wow! Indeed, TTK features a special, brilliant, and simple interface that allows you to write while keeping the previous and following texts in sight.
Perfect for Writing Re-training
Use TTK to relearn the art of writing! You'll be amazed at how much you've missed in the meantime.
AI. We have heard of that thing.
We stick with Ancient Knowledge (AK) for a reason. Even if alien technology is the real deal, what about the works of Shakespeare, Murasaki, or King? Now, the world needs your human mastery. Stay focused on your original ideas and on track with TTK!
Wandering-free Writing
TTK guides you on what to write to effectively deliver your ideas without losing their essence. How you write it is, of course, entirely up to you. If you can't create great content with TTK, well... let's still be friends. ^^'
Find your drafts online on your PC, tablet, and phone. Don't be afraid of distractions. Be aware that TTK may distract you from life, not vice versa. ;-)
Symbolic Price
For just $1 per month (billed as $12 yearly), you can support TTK, help cover its operational costs, stay engaged, and encourage the team to continue their excellent work. Please note that prices may increase as TTK grows significantly, so act now and give TTK a try!
Integrated Teleprompter
Your texts are ready to be delivered on audio and video!
The Numbers of Writing
Set a word target if you need, let TTK count your words and characters, and establish a deadline if it helps. However, don't get too caught up in the numbers. TTK is here to help you create memorable chapters :)
Writing tips, of course.
Get tips from famous writers while you write. Timing is key when it comes to tips.
TEXT.TK is a Software as a Service, currently in beta and actively evolving. Give it a try and help us bring the simplest and best tool for writers to the world.
I feel like I can write freely - with confidence!

Thank you!! This is really an exciting tool!

An intriguing approach to word processing.


Oh my! The teleprompter! (I wish it had the specular fonts, though...)
(Now you have them :)

I was going to give up on the writing dream, but I've now found the drive to write even more! Thank you, TTK

If you're a writer, the *structure* of your text (not its content) is the only *common ground* you can rely on to engage with your readers. When a *structure* is firmly shared between two conscious points, despite distances, differences, or technologies, that's *true communication*. So, focus on *structure*.
Ready to ride Narrative Structures


Add a TEXT as soon as you have an idea.

Whatever setting and title are fine, write down your rough idea and save.

You can later refine it by selecting its genre to get the proper narrative structure to write on.
Find your archived/published texts here.

You can easily delete, edit, recover, or preview them.
You want your Dashboard to be as empty and clean as possible, displaying only the texts you are currently working on.

From the dashboard, you can archive, edit, launch the teleprompter, or preview/print/share a text.
When you delete a text, it's an action with permanent implications.

It's not possible to recover a deleted text.
This is where the real magic happens. You aren't just writing on ordinary pages; you're crafting your words within robust, anticipated, semantic blocks of universal narrative.

On the desktop, you can choose to edit with a 3D interface, giving you constant control over your narrative blocks.

If you prefer a more traditional interface, you can switch to the classic vertical one.

 Preview & Print
Easily Preview and Print your TEXTs.
Recovering a TEXT means bringing it back to the Dashboard, possibly because you wish to work again on it.
You can change:

- your registered email address,
- your password,
- the style of the fonts (to match your writing mood),
- the canvas interface (3D Horizontal or Flat Vertical),
- and the background color that best suits your eyes.
By default, all texts are strictly private, but you are free to share them with friends and colleagues.
If you are a podcaster or a YouTuber who voices your texts on the air, you may find the integrated teleprompter very useful!

It now includes a flip function for prompting your scripts on half-mirrored professional hardware.


What is TEXT.TK?
TEXT.TK is an online tool designed to enhance productivity in writing and foster awareness of the narrative structure of the world.

TEXT.TK is born from the concept of 'Text To Come,' as 'TK' is a traditional abbreviation used in the publishing industry.

Informally, TEXT.TK is referred to as TTK.
Who made "TTK"?
TTK was created by Japan, initially to fulfill its internal staff needs, and was later made available to the public in Beta
Who should I contact for support?
Just drop an email to: semantix media

If you are a subscriber, please write us from the email address registered in TEXT.TK and be sure to know your PIN number for additional security.